Social media afraid of 'The Purge' happening after Illinois eliminates cash bail system
Social media afraid of 'The Purge' happening after Illinois eliminates cash bail system
criminals on the loose in real life and in real time. The
I say of actor on sensor starts right now . Police fire and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at seven AM with the purge concludes blessed be our
new founding fathers and America and nation reborn may god be with you all. Every horror fan knows that purge movie and that countdown that I love those films explore a frightening concept where Indian all crimes is legal in the United States for twelve hours straight and police will not respond now. People in Illinois are worried a new law could become a gateway for the purge to really happen it is taking root on social media and is spreading like wildfire rumors of a new law in Illinois but is this true will it lead to a type of purge while .we love a good scandal here onthe factor on since it we don't like mis information. So we dug deep tonight we talk about the safety act in Illinois the law akes effect in January in twenty twenty three let's get our discussion going. So Charles many people comparing the change in law can build Norway to the actual purge what exactly is going on explain that to the viewer out there before the miss let. Well the- email to the purge little ridiculous then there is- mayor in Illinois who was saying that this law would prevent. Law enforcement from removing burglars or trespasser from your residence or your home or your business and that's not true it was nothing to support that sort of reactionary extremism but it is a very very bad wall it is another example of. Criminal justice reform this is really just an abandonment of law abiding citizens and victims and putting criminals in the driver seat America and of course they also have named it the safety act right S. A. T. T. that is. Obviously another example well since something Democrats and Republicans will do with the Democrats have been doing a lot lately of naming legislation something that it doesn't at all do in fact it makes Illinois let's say you know what it's done. Is it' stripped the judges of the discretionary analysis designed to allow them to set an appropriate Bonham appropriate charge in for a frightening number of charges it basically says they have to be released. Including murder so what it is downstream from we sell paradigm in Harris County where people poor people would sit in jail for things like driving while license invalid or other misdemeanors are not particularly consequential a lot of drug crime. Right they were people without the money we just was a start it is something I saw on became with the presiding judge for a city in Harris County in two thousand five I believe. And I immediately introduced PR monster all class C. warrants right because why should people just sit in jail for days and days and days on traffic tickets some server. But the one that was way over here. Then his now swarm while we're here now and we're seeing like in states like New York already you're seeing this revolving communities. Worse and worse crimes. In just walking out within hours it's the- things along those not the- it's all going for a little while in Will not the- will we need no trials will judges. A to have a no bond on someone who they think is very dangerous like we do here Harris County. If someone is assessed as a very dangerous individual. Who is a repeat offender they have the option of saying no law. So in Illinois only was like most states in the U. game the judges the opportunities fresh look at it what is alleged to have occurred look at the history and define whether or not they believe there's a there's all likelihood that they won't return. Or a danger to an individual in the community right in in Texas so it's pretty much the same three prong analysis except for the fact in taxes we have a state constitutional right to once we actually have a greater right to Texas. To longer. Than most other states. We in Illinois created the on January first